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  1. Publish your Godot game to with GitHub Actions

    The glory of continous deployment!

    March 6, 2024

    Publish your Godot game to with GitHub Actions thumbnail
  2. Force refresh Godot's file system inspector

    Comes in handy when making editor plugins that create files.

    February 15, 2024

    Force refresh Godot's file system inspector thumbnail
  3. Force Next.js page render dynamically

    It's so simple - just a single function call away.

    February 14, 2024

  4. Don't break words along hyphens

    The default whitespace break CSS behavior is to split words along hyphens. We don't want that.

    January 18, 2024

  5. Leetcode 202 - Happy Number

    For the love of God - STOP stringifying numbers just to process the individual digits. Please.

    December 25, 2023

  6. Add captions to images in Obsidian

    Have the obsidian markdown editor display images as if they were figures - with caption below.

    December 23, 2023

    Add captions to images in Obsidian thumbnail
  7. Reverse sort with a numeric string key

    I actually used this for a Godot engine contribution!

    December 6, 2023

    Reverse sort with a numeric string key thumbnail
  8. Enter the newest subdirectory.

    Stop rummaging in your side projects directory. Just go to the latest one.

    December 4, 2023

  9. Convert python objects into dictionaries

    JSON serialization is one thing. But how to turn your classes into dictionaries?

    November 22, 2023

    Convert python objects into dictionaries thumbnail
  10. Turn screen recording into a gif

    Useful script to turn .mov into a .gif

    November 15, 2023

  11. Terminate a process that listens on a port

    You forgot to shut down a development server, and now it's running in the background, taking up your favorite port. Kill it mercilessly.

    November 13, 2023

  12. Add Vercel Analytics to Astro Website

    Even though Astro is not a React project, it's extremely easy to add vercel analytics!

    October 21, 2023

    Add Vercel Analytics to Astro Website thumbnail
  13. New website!

    New look, new CMS, still Astro!

    September 28, 2023

    New website! thumbnail
  14. Emoji shortcuts on MacOS

    It's common to see ':wink' turn into 😉 in apps like Discord. Set this up on your Mac - with text replacements.

    February 14, 2023

  15. My Raspberry will pay for itself in just 25 short years

    It's doing its best.

    December 30, 2022

  16. Change textures from the Godot editor dropdown

    Dropdown selection that updates the game instantly.

    December 27, 2022

    Change textures from the Godot editor dropdown thumbnail
  17. Un-dash filenames with Bash

    Renaming 3000 files with a bash script. From some-icon-name.svg 👉 SomeIconName.astro

    December 3, 2022

  18. 5 MacOS Tools I use every day

    My Mac is a workhorse and I want to get the most out of it.

    November 30, 2022

    5 MacOS Tools I use every day thumbnail
  19. Markdown really is a great language

    A tribute to markdown.

    November 28, 2022

    Markdown really is a great language thumbnail
  20. Pick the right tool for the job

    Astro vs. Nextjs

    November 27, 2022

    Pick the right tool for the job thumbnail
  21. My blog is live!

    What is a website without a blog?

    November 23, 2022

  22. Automate tasks with a simple Bash script

    Write a script instead of checking a website every day.

    July 1, 2022

    Automate tasks with a simple Bash script thumbnail