Vojtěch Struhár

Posts tagged with blogathon2022

  1. Un-dash filenames with Bash

    Renaming 3000 files with a bash script. From some-icon-name.svg 👉 SomeIconName.astro

    December 3, 2022

  2. 5 MacOS Tools I use every day

    My Mac is a workhorse and I want to get the most out of it.

    November 30, 2022

    5 MacOS Tools I use every day thumbnail
  3. Markdown really is a great language

    A tribute to markdown.

    November 28, 2022

    Markdown really is a great language thumbnail
  4. Pick the right tool for the job

    Astro vs. Nextjs

    November 27, 2022

    Pick the right tool for the job thumbnail